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Made of high-quality thick wood, the construction of this pet house is very solid and durable

The rust-resistant wire mesh can resist chewing and prevents your pets from escaping

Fully covered with high-quality asphalt, the cage’s roof is waterproof .


The removable pull-out tray makes cleaning much more convenient for you and providing your pets with a neat and healthier environment.


Featured with 2 entry doors, the house allows you to interact with your pets and clean the two stories easily.


The large outdoor run allows your pets to roam and play in the freely. And the penthouse provides pets with a peaceful and warm space to rest. Through the window you can check on your pets without disturbing. The rabbit hutch has a classic pastoral appearance, which makes it an ideal decoration in house.


With all parts, step-in-step instruction and necessary tools included, you can assemble this cute hedgie house quickly and effortlessly.


Cage and kit full price is $350 including cage deposit

All Sales and Adoptions are Final

Hedgie dollhouse Kit -$350

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